^)(^ If U Care... 2002 Stream Live

Watch If U Care... online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch If U Care... movie online for free. The cinema If U Care... has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the site. Gino, a selfish trickster who works for a design firm where he routinely steals ideas and spars with his co-workers. Gino gets into a traffic accident and savds by his childhood love, Gillian, who's now a fireman. Being a fireman was actually Gino's childhood wish, but somewhere along the way he became a scum. Gino discovers that he has the ability to feel the emotions of those he touches. He uses the power for petty selfish reasons until a life-changing incident causes him to mend his ways.

Year: 2002
Genre :
Release Date: 2002-09-05
Actors : Eason Chan, Gillian Chung, Eric Kot, Candy Lo, Rain Li

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